Bristol Somali Forum
Bristol Somali forum representing the Somali community and needs to be more out there and as this work is being done for the Somali people, the work needs to be presented to the Somali people.
Monday, 4 October 2010
Friday, 1 October 2010
The voice of the Somali Community in Bristol
Constitution and Rules of Forum
1. Overall Purpose of the Forum. The Bristol Somali Forum has been set up to bring together active Somali community groups and voluntary organisations in Bristol on an inclusive basis to enable them to come together to discuss, plan and co-ordinate representation and integration processes, and to articulate community views on local policy matters and the development of services for the Somali community in Bristol as a whole.
2. Need for the Forum. The Forum has been developed in response to growing concern among local service providers regarding inadequate representation the Somali community and the lack of co-ordinated support services for its member groups.
3. Type of Organisation. The forum is an unincorporated association comprising a Forum of its own members.
4. Inclusive Basis. Members of the Forum agree to recognise and respect the different purposes, activities, views, cultural and other difference in the make-up of its individual member groups, and are committed to use the Forum to seek common ground and a shared voice for Bristol’s Somali groups, and thus for the Somali community as a whole.
5. Support and Recognition. The Forum has set up with the help and support of the Bristol East Member of Parliament, Bristol City Council and through the efforts of people involved in Somali community organisations in Bristol.
6. The main area for the work of the Forum is the City of Bristol
7. The Forum can also work in the immediately surrounding local authority areas as agreed from time to time.
8. Providing a fair and inclusive representation and a common voice for the Somali community in Bristol
9. To promote a positive image of the Somali community in Bristol and its contribution to a better Bristol
10. To aid positive integration and strengthen community cohesion at the city-wide level
11. To provide a platform where Forum members and partner organisations can meet, share information, discuss community issues and local policy matters, air differences in a constructive way, and agree feasible work plans
12. To identify and address integration and development strategies for community members and actively participate in local and regional social, economic and community cohesion programmes.
13. To provide a contact point for service providers and promote a positive image of the community’s culture, traditions and achievements
14. To meet and work in partnership with other communities and cultural groups as well as local authorities and service providers
15. To compile, or help with compiling, a directory of services relevant to the Somali community and update it regularly, and to engage similarly with relevant research and the collection and collation of information
16. To represent the views of Forum members to local, regional and national decision makers as agreed.
17. To help develop effective responses to Islamophobia within the Bristol area and to undertake constructive work to prevent its occurrence
18. To hold public meetings as required
19. To address and/or respond to other community issues that may arise
20. The initial membership of the Forum shall be those groups listed in Appendix ONE to this Constitution and Rules, provided that each group shall have completed a membership application form giving the details required, which shall include agreement with the purposes and values of the Forum as stated in this Constitution and Rules.
(a) Membership shall also be available to any other community group based in Bristol, and/or organisations
working in Bristol and with a Bristol office base, and which exist to aid, empower, or otherwise engage with people of Somali origin or heritage, or which provide specialist services for the Somali community, or advance their interests, and/or celebrate Somali culture.
(b) Provided that any group wanting to join shall have applied for membership giving all required details on the membership application form, and been accepted by the majority decision of then existing Forum members.
(c) Applications are welcomed from any Somali community group or voluntary organisation, regardless of any specific clan heritage or origin and from all and any geographical area of origin, and membership shall be open to Somali community groups and voluntary organisations set up by, or for, any particular groupings within the community such as young people, elders or for women only, and regardless of religious views.
(d) The Forum can only refuse applications for membership on reasonable grounds which do not conflict with the equalities and inclusion rules set out above; the reason for any refusal must be recorded in writing and notified to the groups concerned, and if an appeal is requested it must be heard.
(e) Informal community groups without a constitution or without any written set of rules will normally be refused full membership until they have them, but such groups will normally be invited to send an observer representative and will be helped by Forum members to achieve a written constitution or set of rules and to be then accepted as full members.
21. Each group’s membership and commitment to the Forum shall be renewed every year, giving up-to-date details
on the Application Form (but a group’s constitution and rules only need sending again if they have changed).
22. Membership is lost if any group fails to send a representative to three meetings in a row.
23. There shall be no category of “Associate membership” for other individuals, agencies or organisations, unless such a change is agreed to by at least 75% of the Forum’s members.
24. (a) The Forum may, at its absolute discretion, either by consensus or by majority choice of its members, invite any individual, agency, public body or another voluntary organisation, business or social enterprise to attend any or all of its meeting, as observers or for purposes of information sharing, discussion, or for any other agreed purpose
(b) provided that in no circumstances shall they have a vote on any matter at any Forum meeting(s), nor shall they be entitled to attend meetings, unless invited.
25. Every member is entitled to receive notice of Forum meetings giving the date, time, place, and directions if required, together with any agenda or issues for discussion that have been agreed in advance
(a) Notice of Forum meetings may be sent by email unless a group has stated they also require notice by post
(b) Notice must be received by the group at least one week in advance of each meeting
(c) Notice will normally be sent by the member acting as Secretary to the Forum, or may be delegated by them e.g. to the organisation who will be hosting the meeting. It is the responsibility of the person acting as Chairperson at the time to check that the notices will be sent out on time for each meeting.
26. Members should send apologies in writing or by email if they cannot attend a meeting
27. Member groups may send more than one person to participate in the Forum meetings , but each group shall only have one vote
28. Each meeting should include “reports back” from Forum representatives and “information sharing” by members.
29. At least once a year, the Forum should hold a public meeting open to the wider Somali community and invited guests, to report on its work and celebrate successes and achievements, and to help publicise the Forum.
30. This is instead of any requirement to hold a formal Annual General Meeting, which will not be required unless Forum members vote to amend this rule.
31. The Forum shall choose which individuals or organisations, if any, shall represent the Forum for a particular purpose, and the decision must be recorded in the minutes or notes of the meeting.
32. This can be different people or organisations, or the same, as is seen to be suitable and effective in each case, and as appropriate for any particular meeting or meetings.
33. No-one or no organisation shall have the right to represent the Forum or speak officially on its behalf unless this has been agreed at a meeting, as in Rules 20 and 21 above.
34. To preserve the nature of the Forum as a “forum” of in which all members have equal status, the Forum shall have no permanent Chairperson or other officer to represent its interests, but shall use Rules 20 -22, unless this change is agreed to be at least 75% of all the Forum’s members at the time.
35. Representatives must always give a report back to the following Forum meeting, as in Rule 27.
36. However the Forum may appoint someone to chair its meetings for a period of one year at a time (Shir Gudoomiye); this role should normally rotate after one year among other Forum members who have the skills to ensure the proper conduct of its meetings.
37. The person who chairs each meeting is responsible for making sure a proper note or minutes are kept and circulated to all Forum members, including any members not present. They do not have to do this work themselves, but it is their job to make sure it is done, along with ensuring that notice of meetings is sent out.
38. The Forum may also, if it is seen as practical and useful, appoint a Secretary for any term of office as agreed from time to time, to keep official records, such as a minutes book and membership records and for correspondence, sending out notices and similar duties.
39. The Forum may also appoint a Treasurer if required, for any term of office as agreed from time to time,
40. Such officers (i.e. Meetings chairperson, secretary and treasurer) if any, shall have no power or authority to act as Spokespeople or Representatives of the Forum, unless also so appointed under Rules 20-22.
41. In accordance with the self-help and mutual nature of the Forum, it is the responsibility of the Forum’s members to cooperate and share our responsibility for its administration.
42. In particular, at the end of each meeting, the Forum shall decide which member will act as host for the following meeting, which will include responsibility for booking any room, providing any equipment needed, or any refreshments required, etc. In liaison with the Secretary, if any, the hosting organisation must make sure that all Forum members are told of the date, place and time of the next meeting.
43. At the end of each Forum meeting it shall be confirmed what topics or issues shall be covered at the following meeting of the Forum, confirm who is to chair that meeting, and how the chairperson can be contacted regarding additional agenda items, etc. for the coming meeting.
44. The Forum may ask for such help it chooses from Bristol City Council or other public body or voluntary organisation to help with the administration of its affairs, but this is at the choice and discretion of the Forum.
45. The Forum exists to support its members and to act as a Forum and umbrella groups of mutual benefit. It will therefore not normally be involved in fundraising for its own use.
46. However, the Forum may seek to cover the costs of its normal day to day meetings by seeking and accepting grants or donations, and/or by requiring members to pay a small membership fee (i.e. not exceeding £50).
(a) The fees payable shall be reviewed once a year, but will be £10 for the first year.
47. The Forum may seek and accept funding for uses of mutual benefit to all its members (for example the provision of specialist capacity building, standards and quality improvement, or “mother-tongue” training) if this is agreed to in each case by at least 75% of the Forum’s members
(NOTE: This can be obtained in writing as well as by votes of members present).
48. If the work involved goes beyond what can be done by a voluntary Treasurer, if any, the Forum may agree to delegate any book-keeping requirements to a member organisation, with or without a fee, or may pay an individual to keep the necessary financial records, if the details are agreed to at a meeting.
49. The Forum may open a bank account in the name of Bristol Somali Forum
(a) Provided that no less than two people and no more than four people have been authorised to act as signatories, one of whom must be the Treasurer, if any
(b) and also provided that all transactions require at least two signatures from among those authorised above, one of whom should normally be the Treasurer.
50. The Forum may change, or add to, or remove, any of the Rules of this constitution by simple majority of members present at the meeting, provided that all members of the Forum shall have been told of the proposed change(s) at least three weeks in advance of the meeting that will vote on the proposed changes, except:
51. Rules requiring a 75% majority or more may only be changed by a majority of at least 75% of the overall membership at the time
(NOTE: This can be obtained in writing as well as by votes of members present).
52. The Bristol Somali Forum shall be dissolved if at least 75% of its membership at the time so agree.
53. The Forum shall be automatically dissolved if its membership falls below six organisations, after renewal reminders with a deadline have been sent out.
54. If The Forum has any funds on dissolution these shall be returned to any funder where a grant has not been fully and properly used, and any further additional funds shall shared equally among the among the remaining member organisations whose membership fees are all paid up.
No Name of Organisation Address Contact person Telephone
Amana Foundation
Bushara Somali Women Group
Iman - Suad
Community Action Forum (CAN)
Easton Jubilee Trust (EJT)
Muller Hall, 39 Seymour Rd, Bristol BS5 OUW
Ujima House, Wilder Street Bristol BS2
A Isse
Linksan Ltd
Muller Hall, 39 Seymour Rd, Bristol BS5 OUW
A Duale
Midnimo Centre
Mo Daid
Redcliffe Somali Women
Somali Advice Project
Malcolm X Centre, Ashley Rd, Bristol BS2
Ben- Amran
Somali Development Group (SDG)
Somali Disability Association
BDA, 5 Russell Town Eve. Bristol BS5
A Awale
Somali Elders Project (SEP)
Muller Hall, 39 Seymour Rd, Bristol BS5 OUW
A Absiye
Somali Media Group
Somali Resource Centre
214 Avon vale Rd, Barton Hill, Bristol BS5 9SX
Southwest Somali Association
A Hersi
Somali Youth Education Development
POSTAL ADDRESS for contacting the group
EMAIL ADDRESS for contacting group
TWO TELEPHONE NUMBERS for contacting group (can be mobiles)
Do you have a constitution or written set of rules for your group YES (attached)/ NO
“I confirm on behalf of the above group that we wish to be members of the Bristol Somali Forum and that we will keep to the Rules of this Forum in spirit as well as in letter, and that we understand and support the statement of inclusivity (open to all) set out in the Rules, especially Rule 9”.
Signed....................................................... NAME IN CAPITALS...................................................
Office, Position or Role of this person in the Group (e.g. Chair, Director, worker, etc).......................
The voice of the Somali Community in Bristol
Constitution and Rules of Forum
1. Overall Purpose of the Forum. The Bristol Somali Forum has been set up to bring together active Somali community groups and voluntary organisations in Bristol on an inclusive basis to enable them to come together to discuss, plan and co-ordinate representation and integration processes, and to articulate community views on local policy matters and the development of services for the Somali community in Bristol as a whole.
2. Need for the Forum. The Forum has been developed in response to growing concern among local service providers regarding inadequate representation the Somali community and the lack of co-ordinated support services for its member groups.
3. Type of Organisation. The forum is an unincorporated association comprising a Forum of its own members.
4. Inclusive Basis. Members of the Forum agree to recognise and respect the different purposes, activities, views, cultural and other difference in the make-up of its individual member groups, and are committed to use the Forum to seek common ground and a shared voice for Bristol’s Somali groups, and thus for the Somali community as a whole.
5. Support and Recognition. The Forum has set up with the help and support of the Bristol East Member of Parliament, Bristol City Council and through the efforts of people involved in Somali community organisations in Bristol.
6. The main area for the work of the Forum is the City of Bristol
7. The Forum can also work in the immediately surrounding local authority areas as agreed from time to time.
8. Providing a fair and inclusive representation and a common voice for the Somali community in Bristol
9. To promote a positive image of the Somali community in Bristol and its contribution to a better Bristol
10. To aid positive integration and strengthen community cohesion at the city-wide level
11. To provide a platform where Forum members and partner organisations can meet, share information, discuss community issues and local policy matters, air differences in a constructive way, and agree feasible work plans
12. To identify and address integration and development strategies for community members and actively participate in local and regional social, economic and community cohesion programmes.
13. To provide a contact point for service providers and promote a positive image of the community’s culture, traditions and achievements
14. To meet and work in partnership with other communities and cultural groups as well as local authorities and service providers
15. To compile, or help with compiling, a directory of services relevant to the Somali community and update it regularly, and to engage similarly with relevant research and the collection and collation of information
16. To represent the views of Forum members to local, regional and national decision makers as agreed.
17. To help develop effective responses to Islamophobia within the Bristol area and to undertake constructive work to prevent its occurrence
18. To hold public meetings as required
19. To address and/or respond to other community issues that may arise
20. The initial membership of the Forum shall be those groups listed in Appendix ONE to this Constitution and Rules, provided that each group shall have completed a membership application form giving the details required, which shall include agreement with the purposes and values of the Forum as stated in this Constitution and Rules.
(a) Membership shall also be available to any other community group based in Bristol, and/or organisations
working in Bristol and with a Bristol office base, and which exist to aid, empower, or otherwise engage with people of Somali origin or heritage, or which provide specialist services for the Somali community, or advance their interests, and/or celebrate Somali culture.
(b) Provided that any group wanting to join shall have applied for membership giving all required details on the membership application form, and been accepted by the majority decision of then existing Forum members.
(c) Applications are welcomed from any Somali community group or voluntary organisation, regardless of any specific clan heritage or origin and from all and any geographical area of origin, and membership shall be open to Somali community groups and voluntary organisations set up by, or for, any particular groupings within the community such as young people, elders or for women only, and regardless of religious views.
(d) The Forum can only refuse applications for membership on reasonable grounds which do not conflict with the equalities and inclusion rules set out above; the reason for any refusal must be recorded in writing and notified to the groups concerned, and if an appeal is requested it must be heard.
(e) Informal community groups without a constitution or without any written set of rules will normally be refused full membership until they have them, but such groups will normally be invited to send an observer representative and will be helped by Forum members to achieve a written constitution or set of rules and to be then accepted as full members.
21. Each group’s membership and commitment to the Forum shall be renewed every year, giving up-to-date details
on the Application Form (but a group’s constitution and rules only need sending again if they have changed).
22. Membership is lost if any group fails to send a representative to three meetings in a row.
23. There shall be no category of “Associate membership” for other individuals, agencies or organisations, unless such a change is agreed to by at least 75% of the Forum’s members.
24. (a) The Forum may, at its absolute discretion, either by consensus or by majority choice of its members, invite any individual, agency, public body or another voluntary organisation, business or social enterprise to attend any or all of its meeting, as observers or for purposes of information sharing, discussion, or for any other agreed purpose
(b) provided that in no circumstances shall they have a vote on any matter at any Forum meeting(s), nor shall they be entitled to attend meetings, unless invited.
25. Every member is entitled to receive notice of Forum meetings giving the date, time, place, and directions if required, together with any agenda or issues for discussion that have been agreed in advance
(a) Notice of Forum meetings may be sent by email unless a group has stated they also require notice by post
(b) Notice must be received by the group at least one week in advance of each meeting
(c) Notice will normally be sent by the member acting as Secretary to the Forum, or may be delegated by them e.g. to the organisation who will be hosting the meeting. It is the responsibility of the person acting as Chairperson at the time to check that the notices will be sent out on time for each meeting.
26. Members should send apologies in writing or by email if they cannot attend a meeting
27. Member groups may send more than one person to participate in the Forum meetings , but each group shall only have one vote
28. Each meeting should include “reports back” from Forum representatives and “information sharing” by members.
29. At least once a year, the Forum should hold a public meeting open to the wider Somali community and invited guests, to report on its work and celebrate successes and achievements, and to help publicise the Forum.
30. This is instead of any requirement to hold a formal Annual General Meeting, which will not be required unless Forum members vote to amend this rule.
31. The Forum shall choose which individuals or organisations, if any, shall represent the Forum for a particular purpose, and the decision must be recorded in the minutes or notes of the meeting.
32. This can be different people or organisations, or the same, as is seen to be suitable and effective in each case, and as appropriate for any particular meeting or meetings.
33. No-one or no organisation shall have the right to represent the Forum or speak officially on its behalf unless this has been agreed at a meeting, as in Rules 20 and 21 above.
34. To preserve the nature of the Forum as a “forum” of in which all members have equal status, the Forum shall have no permanent Chairperson or other officer to represent its interests, but shall use Rules 20 -22, unless this change is agreed to be at least 75% of all the Forum’s members at the time.
35. Representatives must always give a report back to the following Forum meeting, as in Rule 27.
36. However the Forum may appoint someone to chair its meetings for a period of one year at a time (Shir Gudoomiye); this role should normally rotate after one year among other Forum members who have the skills to ensure the proper conduct of its meetings.
37. The person who chairs each meeting is responsible for making sure a proper note or minutes are kept and circulated to all Forum members, including any members not present. They do not have to do this work themselves, but it is their job to make sure it is done, along with ensuring that notice of meetings is sent out.
38. The Forum may also, if it is seen as practical and useful, appoint a Secretary for any term of office as agreed from time to time, to keep official records, such as a minutes book and membership records and for correspondence, sending out notices and similar duties.
39. The Forum may also appoint a Treasurer if required, for any term of office as agreed from time to time,
40. Such officers (i.e. Meetings chairperson, secretary and treasurer) if any, shall have no power or authority to act as Spokespeople or Representatives of the Forum, unless also so appointed under Rules 20-22.
41. In accordance with the self-help and mutual nature of the Forum, it is the responsibility of the Forum’s members to cooperate and share our responsibility for its administration.
42. In particular, at the end of each meeting, the Forum shall decide which member will act as host for the following meeting, which will include responsibility for booking any room, providing any equipment needed, or any refreshments required, etc. In liaison with the Secretary, if any, the hosting organisation must make sure that all Forum members are told of the date, place and time of the next meeting.
43. At the end of each Forum meeting it shall be confirmed what topics or issues shall be covered at the following meeting of the Forum, confirm who is to chair that meeting, and how the chairperson can be contacted regarding additional agenda items, etc. for the coming meeting.
44. The Forum may ask for such help it chooses from Bristol City Council or other public body or voluntary organisation to help with the administration of its affairs, but this is at the choice and discretion of the Forum.
45. The Forum exists to support its members and to act as a Forum and umbrella groups of mutual benefit. It will therefore not normally be involved in fundraising for its own use.
46. However, the Forum may seek to cover the costs of its normal day to day meetings by seeking and accepting grants or donations, and/or by requiring members to pay a small membership fee (i.e. not exceeding £50).
(a) The fees payable shall be reviewed once a year, but will be £10 for the first year.
47. The Forum may seek and accept funding for uses of mutual benefit to all its members (for example the provision of specialist capacity building, standards and quality improvement, or “mother-tongue” training) if this is agreed to in each case by at least 75% of the Forum’s members
(NOTE: This can be obtained in writing as well as by votes of members present).
48. If the work involved goes beyond what can be done by a voluntary Treasurer, if any, the Forum may agree to delegate any book-keeping requirements to a member organisation, with or without a fee, or may pay an individual to keep the necessary financial records, if the details are agreed to at a meeting.
49. The Forum may open a bank account in the name of Bristol Somali Forum
(a) Provided that no less than two people and no more than four people have been authorised to act as signatories, one of whom must be the Treasurer, if any
(b) and also provided that all transactions require at least two signatures from among those authorised above, one of whom should normally be the Treasurer.
50. The Forum may change, or add to, or remove, any of the Rules of this constitution by simple majority of members present at the meeting, provided that all members of the Forum shall have been told of the proposed change(s) at least three weeks in advance of the meeting that will vote on the proposed changes, except:
51. Rules requiring a 75% majority or more may only be changed by a majority of at least 75% of the overall membership at the time
(NOTE: This can be obtained in writing as well as by votes of members present).
52. The Bristol Somali Forum shall be dissolved if at least 75% of its membership at the time so agree.
53. The Forum shall be automatically dissolved if its membership falls below six organisations, after renewal reminders with a deadline have been sent out.
54. If The Forum has any funds on dissolution these shall be returned to any funder where a grant has not been fully and properly used, and any further additional funds shall shared equally among the among the remaining member organisations whose membership fees are all paid up.
No Name of Organisation Address Contact person Telephone
Amana Foundation
Bushara Somali Women Group
Iman - Suad
Community Action Forum (CAN)
Easton Jubilee Trust (EJT)
Muller Hall, 39 Seymour Rd, Bristol BS5 OUW
Ujima House, Wilder Street Bristol BS2
A Isse
Linksan Ltd
Muller Hall, 39 Seymour Rd, Bristol BS5 OUW
A Duale
Midnimo Centre
Mo Daid
Redcliffe Somali Women
Somali Advice Project
Malcolm X Centre, Ashley Rd, Bristol BS2
Ben- Amran
Somali Development Group (SDG)
Somali Disability Association
BDA, 5 Russell Town Eve. Bristol BS5
A Awale
Somali Elders Project (SEP)
Muller Hall, 39 Seymour Rd, Bristol BS5 OUW
A Absiye
Somali Media Group
Somali Resource Centre
214 Avon vale Rd, Barton Hill, Bristol BS5 9SX
Southwest Somali Association
A Hersi
Somali Youth Education Development
POSTAL ADDRESS for contacting the group
EMAIL ADDRESS for contacting group
TWO TELEPHONE NUMBERS for contacting group (can be mobiles)
Do you have a constitution or written set of rules for your group YES (attached)/ NO
“I confirm on behalf of the above group that we wish to be members of the Bristol Somali Forum and that we will keep to the Rules of this Forum in spirit as well as in letter, and that we understand and support the statement of inclusivity (open to all) set out in the Rules, especially Rule 9”.
Signed....................................................... NAME IN CAPITALS...................................................
Office, Position or Role of this person in the Group (e.g. Chair, Director, worker, etc).......................
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